Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Awww shit I lost my talent. ):

Just A Thought or Two

Why is it that nothing will change?
People can say what they want
And do what the want
And not give a damn
About what it will do to them

When did we stop caring about
Why did we let ourselves go?
Others hold our reputation
But we hold the true key
To our own happiness
Why did we forget it?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"You Cannot Hide Yourself"

For this to end
Is like asking for world peace
It's like trying to stop world hunger
Or to stop prejudice
And hurt
And pain

Maybe there's a reason for it all
Maybe this time it's not my fault
But I can't help but wonder

Why can't it be over?
I didn't ask for this
I just wanted to move on
How come I was the only one capable?