Monday, November 8, 2010

Why Don't You Listen?

"What did I tell you?"
He asked me
"What did I say?
I told you from
The beginning that
It'd end this way."

"What did I tell you?"
She asked me
"What did I say?
I was right in the
Beginning; I knew it'd
End this way."

Why didn't I listen?
I knew it from the start
I was just trying
Trying to fool my heart
Why didn't I listen?
I knew it from the start
I'm always trying
Trying to fool my heart

"What did I tell you?"
He asked me
"What did I say?
Big brother always
Knows the right way."

"What did I tell you?"
She asked me
"What did I say?
I promise I'll always
Be there to help
You find the way."

Why didn't I listen?
I knew it from the start
Why did I try fooling,
Fooling my heart?
Why didn't I listen?
My head says, "girl, be smart."
But I don't listen to logic
I listened to my heart

"What did I tell you?"
My mind asked me
"Did you hear what I said?
Maybe it wouldn't hurt
So bad if you listened
To your head."

Why didn't I listen?
I knew it from the start
Why did I try fooling,
Fooling my heart?
Why didn't I listen?
The world said, "girl, be smart."
But I don't listen to anyone
I listen to my heart

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